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Jake Smith
Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2023

app closes itself... Empty app closes itself...

Lun 27 Fév - 22:36
I want this app to work so bad. Once this thing is working I will definitely be donating. It has the potential to be very useful to me.

I'm looking at a pdf:
app closes itself... Screen10

When I right click I have options:
- Add a tag [PDF]
- Delete this tag
- Copy data to clipboard

If I click on DELETE THIS TAG (on any line) the programme closes itself (ie crashes).
If I click on ADD A TAG (on any line) nothing happens.

I would love to add tags, and I would love to be able to delete tags. I would also love to be able to edit this LANGUAGE attribute to something normal like "en-uk".

Can anyone help me?
Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2019

app closes itself... Empty Re: app closes itself...

Mar 28 Fév - 12:24
Hi Jake
It's fixed, i shall update the program soon.
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