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Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2019

Metadata++ v 1.22.10 Empty Metadata++ v 1.22.10

Lun 10 Aoû - 13:50
added XMP-Note
header clickable on add tags
commencé xmpTPg
xmp illustrator
added many XMP-crs tags, some XMP-DJI
create folders from files createion dates (EXIF/IPTC/XMP)
can display M4V, M75, IIQ, KDC
can use FFMpeg to display some video formats
added XMP-xmpDM
more modifiable tags (mainly MakerNotes, Track1 and Track2)
Metadata++ can now be launched with a command line
Hexa Dump removed from the ribbon and moved to the contextual menu
display CR3 raw photos
added a lot of SubIFD and SubIFD2 tags
display NRW
Facorites (Model, Make, ISO, FNumber, TimeLine, Aperture)
added some iPhone metadata
renamed Albums to Favorites
added some XMP-exif (mainly GPS metadata)
added some flashpix metadata
made a lot of Minolta MakerNotes writable
meta FLIR (to be continued)
added XML (partial)
added CRM Canon videos

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