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Jake Smith
Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2023

unspecified error when changing date Empty unspecified error when changing date

Lun 27 Fév - 22:48
When I try to change any of the blue dates I see this error message:

unspecified error when changing date Bbb10

Soi I can't change them... I can't delete them either (if I try to delete the tags the programme closes itself / 'crashes')

Also... what are XMP-Pdf (1) and XMP-x (1) attributes? I don't think these appear in the previous version. I'm very new to this stuff. I only downloaded the older version yesterday, and this newer one today. Please forgive my ignorance...
Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2019

unspecified error when changing date Empty Re: unspecified error when changing date

Mar 28 Fév - 13:37
XMP-Pdf contains the Adobe PDF namespace tags.
XMP-Pdf (1) means that there is one tag of this type in the file.
XMP-x contains a unique tag XMPToolkit

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