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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2021

Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted Empty Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted

Lun 12 Juil - 22:17
Hello all-

I am looking to extract a subset of exif metadata from images collected over the last 20 years as part of cruises to the antarctic where different people used cameras to take pictures of animals and teh environment. each individual used a different camera with a different set of settings, etc. So I would like to beb able to extract a subset of metadata (all the same fields), regardless of teh variability in the user. I want to be able to save the list of metadata that I am extracting so that when provided with more images, I an extract the same data, and add that data to a running file or database.

I am new to metadata++ but it seems that I should be able to create a new list (than save it), an dthe use teh same list to eaxtract the metadata from any groups of files from difefrent indiviudals...

Would this be possible?

Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2019

Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted Empty Re: Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted

Mar 13 Juil - 11:54

You can't do that with the current version, even if the menu already exists (Export -> Private list -> Select an existing list).
The module will be added this week, check for a new version last week (07/20)

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2021

Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted Empty Re: Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted

Mar 13 Juil - 12:39
Thanks So much Jean-

I will chck back in a few weeks!
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Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted Empty Re: Generating a private list of exif metadata I want eaxtracted

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